Data Equity Visualizations

Explore our website’s Data Equity Visualizations to gain insights into the equitable distribution of resources and opportunities in North Central Washington. This data was collected through the Digital Equity Asset Inventory in May 2023 has part of the process to create county-wide Digital Equity Plans.

Organizations Providing Digital Assets Across NCW

Digital equity assets include any programs, projects, or efforts that facilitate an individual's or community's access to Internet service, devices, and/or skills that are affordable, reliable, and sufficient to support their online and digital needs.

NCW Organizations Serving Covered Populations

The Digital Equity Act Programs are designed to prioritize programs that serve the following “Covered Populations.”

NCW Public Computer Workstations and Free Wifi

Places with free computer work stations or free Wifi.

NCW Take Rate Graph

Take rate refers to the individuals who have access to broadband that have subscribed to an Interner Service Provider (ISP) that offers broadband.

Free and Low-Cost Meeting Spaces in NCW

Places that offer free or low-cost meeting spaces where trainings and classes could be hosted.

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